On the Bike
Cycling helmet*
*The only mandatory equipment item. ANSI and/or Snell approved helmet.
Appropriate shoes
One pair for riding, and one pair good for walking (especially if rider is using clip–in pedals)
Cycling gloves
Recommended but not required
Cycling shorts (with a pad)
At least one pair for sure, two pair recommended for summer, as athletes may want to change between pre-ride and race
Synthetic/not cotton, two pair recommended
Short-sleeved shirts or cycling jerseys
Light, long-sleeved shirt
Light and packable for shedding into the ride for layering and sun protection
Rain gear, jacket and pants
Waterproof shoe covers
Recommended just in case, but not required
Off the Bike
Comfortable shorts
Comfortable pants
Zip-off legs or rain pants could substitute
Sandals, flip-flops, or lightweight shoes
For pre & post ride/walking
Wool or fleece hat
The mornings can be quite chilly
Sweat shirt or light jacket
Again, the mornings do get chilly
Tools & Parts
Spare tubes* (and tire, if possible)
2 tubes, because rocks May be sharp
Multi tool
Assorted plastic zip ties
They are the modern-day duct tape! 5 – 10 will suffice
Small chain lube and rag*
Bicycle light
(optional) We may work in a night ride
Spare brake pads
Recommended, because the we may not have the exact kind rider may need
Spare clipless-pedal-cleat bolts
Funny how these tend to work themselves out at the most inopportune times
Recommended Equipment List for MICL Event Weekends

The usual items (tooth brush/paste, travel size shampoo and conditioner, etc…)
2 would be best (lightweight to enhance quick drying, like the PackTowl, if possible)
Lightweight lock and cable
Recommended (U-locks are good too, but limited in function)
Water carrying bladders or containers
at least 1 US gallon capacity (for refilling at the water pump)
Basic first-aid kit
We will have these too, but it’s a nice habit to begin instilling
Optional (many uses!)
Electric lanterns also come in handy, but not to replace flashlight
Insect repellent
We will have this too, but it’s a nice habit to begin instilling
We will have this too, but it’s a nice habit to begin instilling
Sleeping bag
Down bags are warmer, weigh less, and pack smaller, but useless if wet. Synthetic bags are heavier and bulkier, but less expensive for comparable warmth and they will keep you warm even if wet
Sleeping pad
Closed-cell foam pads work well and are light, but self-inflating pads are more comfortable and packable
Lightweight, with rainfly and vestibules
Personal eating utensils
Fork, spoon, cup, bowl, plate – WE AIM to produce minimal waste
Cotton sheets
Can be used independently of the sleeping bag on warm nights
Nylon cord (Many uses!)
Two Bungie cords
Camera/GoPro and journal
Because this is going to be EPIC, and they will want to document the experience!
Plastic baggies and garbage bags*
Small backpack
If rider has one. They are all the rage!
Playing cards
Sports equipment
Frisbees, hacky sacs, etc… (We will have bocce and croquet)
Radio/iPod/MP3 player
We cannot be responsible for expensive electronics, so send at your own risk!